Painkillers Do More Harm Than Good

Time recently published an article outlining a new study, by the American Academy of Neurology, that shows that powerful painkillers do little to improve the daily functioning in a patient’s life for chronic pain unrelated to cancer. 

With the potential for overdose and addiction, the Academy urges doctors to find other ways for patient’s to manage their pain.

Dr. Gary Franklin, research professor in the departments of occupational and environmental health sciences and neurology, emphasizes the importance of this study, “This is the first position paper by a major American specialty society saying that there is a real problem here, and the risk might not be worth the benefit for certain conditions.“

When dealing with back pain, most users of the DDS Decompression Belt felt immediate relief and were able to resume some of their daily activities.

65% of DDS Decompression Belt users were able to resume activities they previously had to discontinue due to their condition.  Some included running/jogging, driving, gardening and even something as simple as playing with grandchildren.

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